Wednesday, October 14, 2020

  Movie Review: Nico's Weg

    My name is Zahid Fatiha Almuzammil Pramudita from XI SOCIAL 1.Right here i'm gonna give my honest review about the film so-called 'Nico's Weg'..

    This film tells us about Nico,a clumsy person who went to German from Spain to visited his aunt,Yara.Poorly,he lost his stuffs in the airport.Then,he met Emma and Lisa who help him because Nico can't speak German fluently.Not only helping him finding his bag,they also help him find his aunty house.

    Basically this film teach us about German language especially in speaking,the language was easy to understand and the film was fun to watch.

Vielen dank to you who read this.  :) 

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

My Goal,My Ambition

 My Goal,My Ambition

In the future, I honestly haven't thought about anything. I'm still hesitant to express my dreams because there are  high expectations from my parents.

But, for college .. I have an interest in geography and history studies, I also read fun about neuroscience. I am very sure that I will take one of the three studies later.

To achieve this, I have to try hard to be accepted into the study I want. Not only do I try, but I also have to pray so that it can be facilitated in all my affairs.

Monday, July 20, 2020

School Lunch

Before the pandemic,one day at the school cafeteria

Bebaz: ‘hi Uzjid,what’s wrong?’

Uzjid: ‘Hi Baz, I am just a little bit confuse about using my money’
Bebaz:’Can you tell me more clearly?’
Uzjid:’here,I got some money.. and look there,batagor and seblak. Unfortunately I can’t buy two of them.’
Bebaz:’it’s about food? Hahahahahah,funny… if I were you,maybe I will choose seblak.’
Uzjid:’Thanks for the advice man, I think I will buy batagor instead of seblak’
Bebaz:’Then why do you ask In the first time??’
Uzjid:’Because lunch break will over soon.Don’t worry,tomorrow I will buy seblak.’

Bebaz:’you better treat me.’

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 28 at home

Seen normally for 28 days, but in fact it's been 30 days that I stayed at home.The routines that I do tend to be fixed only on the mattress in my room, I really want to get rid of my bad habit that is, getting up late.But, seeing the fact I really like sleeping at 1/2 am. That's the thing that makes me wake up late.

Honestly, there are many bad events for me, where my mind can't survive in this house, there is a problem of misunderstanding that causes my relationship with her to stay away. :(.. Not only that, I have trouble moving to do homework because I'm so lazy. But, lately because I'm sad, for some reason listening to a song while doing a task really raises my mood.

My heart really wants that this corona pandemic problem to end soon, almost our hope is that where the spread of this virus can be finished immediately before Ramadan.Those of you who are reading this, please convey to those who are still stubborn. We must foster mutual concern for the spread of this corona virus so that this problem is quickly resolved.Do not ignore the services of doctors and nurses who have fought in laboratories and hospitals there.

 I personally invite you to become a national hero of the 21st century by staying at home, enjoying your time at home ... Later, hopefully we can meet again and play when we get home from school

Friday, April 10, 2020


Kuawali tahun ini dengan bismillah
Tapi mengapa....
Dunia berbanding terbalik

Kita memang manusia
Yang tak berhak tau rencana tuhan
Takdir kita hanya pasrah
Menerima kenyataan yang telah diberikan

Ya Allah....
Di sisa tahun ini
Buatlah dunia membaik
Agar kita dapat menyambut...
Bulan Ramadhan...

Ya Allah...
Berikanlah ridhomu
Kepada mereka yang berada di garis depan

Kuharap nanti
Aku dapat keluar tanpa masker
Kuharap nanti
Kita kembali bermain sambil belajar
Kurindu momen-momen itu
Tolong kembalikanlah...

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Almuzammil Motivational speech

'jangan terlalu percaya dengan hal yang ada di depanmu,karena mungkin saja dia bukan milikmu'

'Dari someone i have jadi someone who already had'

'Dari Onet aku belajar,kita memang harus melihat dan mengamat dengan baik agar kita dapat menemukan pasangan yang pas'

'Ternyata efek dari wabah penyakit ideologi lebih susah diobati daripada wabah penyakit biasa,contohnya;kebodohan.. saya sarankan agar kalian tidak terinfeksi'

'ejila nzuzu mebie uwa a'

Thankyou  :)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

 14th day self quarantine

 I have been staying at home for 14 days, all of this I have done to prevent the spread of the corona virus.Because I have nothing else to do, I think of writing and maintaining my blog :).Because of this corona virus, the average person in Indonesia is now doing #stayathome where we do all the activities at home.It's funny, because we are now experiencing one of the historical events.

  #stayathome is something new for me. productive at home is difficult for me, because I usually use the house as a place to rest.And it feels weird because we have to stay at home. Even if we just want to go out for shopping we have to think twice.One of the things that feels strange to me is also about worship. I accept the decision to worship at home, because we have to look after ourselves, but this feels strange.

  14 Days at home I do the same routine. Wake up, take a bath, eat, pray, finish assignments, play mobile phone.I really hope that this problem can be resolved before the beginning of Ramadan, because I really want to enjoy the atmosphere of Ramadan without the pressure of this problem. Added to this is because there is an Eid-ul-Fitr event which is usually celebrated with family gatherings.

   I think I want to hibernate until Lebaran, which I hope when I wake up this problem is solved. To be honest the reason I want to hibernate is because I also hope that i can forget about her, it's sad because she already has a boyfriend.why am I telling my heart's content?? :v

   Because basically this is my blog, actually I'm free to do anything.But, I also want to convey an important message. For those of you who are reading, I pray for your health as long as you remain #stayathome and listen to the advice of the medical staff. I also hope that you will pray and appreciate the medical staff working in the field to prevent the spread of this corona virus

That's all from me, always healthy

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Thursday, March 26, 2020

                   Fatiha Motivational Speech

1.'If you're not my sunshine,please be my future'

2.'Maafkanlah ketidakjelasanku ini.tapi,yakinlah bahwa suatu hal yang jelas berasal dari suatu ketidakjelasan'

3.'Awalnya kukira hanya gagasan bodoh,tapi ketika kulihat dunia.. aku kecewa akan banyaknya orang bodoh di dunia ini'

4.'Bagaimana bisa mundur jika di belakang ada tembok? Berpikirlah seperti itu ketika duniamu memaksamu mundur'

5.'Kata ibuku,janganlah menggantungkan asa pada orang lain,gantungkanlah asa mu pada tuhan'


         ᮞᮨᮊᮤᮃᮔ᮪,ᮒᮥᮔ᮪ᮌ᮪ᮌᮥ ᮕᮧᮞ᮪ᮒ᮪ ᮘᮨᮛᮤᮊᮥᮒ᮪ᮑ

Monday, March 9, 2020

     The Indonesian Geographical association was born in 1967, this association was established with the aim of advancing & fighting geography educator in Indonesian because at that time was the discare that geography education in Indonesia Will be deleted.

The process of establishing this organization was carried out, through the first Congress with the election period 1967 - 1981 with Dr. ida Bagus Mantra as the first chairman, after that his chairman continued with re election as chairman in 1981 - 1985 period through second Congress until now. Indonesian Geographical Association has leid 8 Congress, where each Congress has produced new chairman, come have retained previous chairman.

The Indonesian Geographical Association had stop the activities/shut down the organization in 1995 - 1997 and showed the existence in 1997 by holding a large Congress.

The Indonesian Geographical Association was officially declared as a national organization on Thursday May 21 2015 in sleman.

  Source:Miqdad blog
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Thursday, February 27, 2020

                   Zahid Motivational Speech

  1.'try my best to pursue the things you can achieve before you and let God give the results, because there is no god plan that bad if you have good intentions to live'

2.'ketika perasaanmu dapat mengalahkan logika disitulah bukti bahwa anda adalah manusia,tapi jika logika mengalahkan perasaanmu disitulah rasa kemanusiaanmu dipertanyakan?'

3.'time is an element that cannot be controlled by us.  if we have activities time will run fast and vice versa. one more thing, time cannot be rotated, licked, and dipped like Oreo.'

4.'Hidup itu lucu,tapi kenapa aku tak bisa tertawa dan malah menangis?'

5.'1000 kali minta maaf tak ada gunanya bila tak dimaafkan,berbagai cara dicoba pun tak ada gunanya apabila gagal. Tapi,apa salahnya mencoba?'

Sunday, February 16, 2020

                                                                Geosac 2020

Geosac is a geography olympiad whose registration was opened for Southeast Asia, me and 3 others happened to be appointed by my geography teacher, Ms Mona to represent high school 3

Geosac implementation is divided into 2 days, the first day for the opening and doing  the Olympics while the second day for tracking to Ciwangun indah camp

The first day was short for me, because I was only working on the olymipcs question in the chair from morning to evening

the fun part is on the second day when we do hiking. this is because we are divided into groups to work on the environment-based geotrek questions around.I socialize with my group of friends and you could say I almost fell in love with one of my group friends.the interesting thing is that my male friends is trying to get the two of us closer together in ways that I didn't think of.This makes me ashamed and happy at the same time.

in the afternoon, after hiking was notified of the winner announcement at the BPU building, UPI.of 200 contestants I can only achieve rank 163, but I do not feel disadvantaged because I managed to get new friends. even more interesting I managed to photograph together with 26

this is a photo of my new friends, hopefully geosac is not our last meeting :)

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Legend Of Urashima

Long, long ago there lived on the coast of the sea of Japan a young fisherman named Urashima, a kindly lad, and clever with his rod and line.
Well, one day he went out in his boat to fish. Instead of catching any fish, what do you think he caught? Why, a great big tortoise! It had a hard shell and such a funny wrinkled old face and a tiny tail. Now I must tell you something which you very likely don’t know; and that is that tortoises always live a thousand years - or at least Japanese tortoises do. Urashima thought to himself; “A fish would do for my dinner just as well as this tortoise - in fact, better. Why should I go and kill the poor thing, and prevent it from enjoying itself for another nine hundred and ninety-nine years? No, no! I won’t be so cruel. I am sure mother wouldn’t like me to.” With these words, he threw the tortoise back into the sea.
The next thing that happened was that Urashima went to sleep in his boat - for it was one of those hot summer days when almost everybody enjoys a nap of an afternoon. As he slept, there came up from beneath the waves a beautiful girl, who got into the boat and said, "I am the daughter of the Sea God, and I live with my father in the Dragon Palace, beyond the waves. It was not a tortoise that you caught just now, and so kindly threw back into the water instead of killing it; it was myself. My father, the Sea God, had sent me to see whether you were good or bad."

“We now know that you are a good, kind boy who doesn’t like to do cruel things; and so I have come to fetch you. You shall marry me, if you like, and we will live happily together for a thousand years in the Dragon Palace beyond the deep blue sea.”
Urashima took one oar, and the Sea God’s daughter took the other, and they rowed, and they rowed, and they rowed until at last they came to the Dragon Palace where the Sea God lived and ruled as king over all the dragons, the tortoises and the fishes.
Oh dear! What a lovely place it was! The walls of the palace were of coral, the trees had emeralds for leaves and rubies for berries, the fishes’ scales were of silver, and the dragons’ tails of solid gold. Just think of the very most beautiful, glittering things that you have ever seen, and put them all together, and then you will know what this palace looked like. It all belonged to Urashima - for was he not the son-in-law of the Sea God, the husband of the lovely Dragon Princess?
Well, they lived on happily for three years, wandering about every day among the beautiful trees with emerald leaves and ruby berries. But one morning Urashima said to his wife, “I am very happy here. Still I want to go home and see my father and mother, and brothers and sisters. Just let me go for a short time, and I’ll soon be back again.”
“I don’t like you to go,” said she, “I am very much afraid that something dreadful will happen. However, if you will go, there is no help for it. Only you must take this box, and be very careful not to open it. If you open it, you will never be able to come back here.”
Urashima promised to take great care of the box, and not to open it on any account. Then, getting into his boat, he rowed off, and at last landed on the shore of his own country.
What had happened while he had been away? Where had his father’s cottage gone to? What had become of the village where he used to live? The mountains indeed were there as before, but the trees on them had been cut down. The little brook that ran close by his father’s cottage was still running, but there were no women washing clothes in it anymore. It seemed very strange that everything should have changed so much in three short years.
As two men chanced to pass along the beach, Urashima went up to them and said, “Can you tell me please where Urashima’s cottage, that used to stand here, has been moved to?”
“Urashima?” Said they. “Why, it was four hundred years ago that he was drowned while out fishing. His parents, his brothers, and their grandchildren are all dead long ago. It is an old, old story. How can you be so foolish as to ask after his cottage? It fell to pieces hundreds of years ago.”
Then it suddenly flashed across Urashima’s mind that the Sea God’s Palace beyond the waves, with its coral walls and its ruby fruits and its dragons with tails of solid gold, must be part of a fairy land, and that one day there was probably as long as a year in this world, so that his three years in the Sea God’s palace had really been hundreds of years.
Of course there was no use in staying at home - now that all his friends were dead and buried. Even the village had passed away. So Urashima was in a great hurry to get back to his wife, the Dragon Princess beyond the sea. Which was the way? He couldn’t find it, with no one to show it to him.
“Perhaps,” thought he, “if I open the box which she gave me, I shall be able to find the way.” So he disobeyed her orders not to open the box — or perhaps he forgot them, foolish boy that he was. Anyhow, he opened the box; and what do you think came out of it? Nothing but a white cloud which floated away over the sea. Urashima shouted to the cloud to stop, rushed about and screamed with sorrow - for he remembered now what his wife had told him - and how, after opening the box, he should never be able to go to the Sea God’s palace again.
Soon he could neither run nor shout any more. Suddenly his hair grew as white as snow, his face got wrinkled, and his back bent like that of a very old man. His breath stopped short, and he fell down dead on the beach.

Direct speech in the text

  •  “A fish would do for my dinner just as well as this tortoise - in fact, better. Why should I go and kill the poor thing, and prevent it from enjoying itself for another nine hundred and ninety-nine years? No, no! I won’t be so cruel. I am sure mother wouldn’t like me to.”
  • "I am the daughter of the Sea God, and I live with my father in the Dragon Palace, beyond the waves. It was not a tortoise that you caught just now, and so kindly threw back into the water instead of killing it; it was myself. My father, the Sea God, had sent me to see whether you were good or bad."
  • “We now know that you are a good, kind boy who doesn’t like to do cruel things; and so I have come to fetch you. You shall marry me, if you like, and we will live happily together for a thousand years in the Dragon Palace beyond the deep blue sea.”
  •  “I am very happy here. Still I want to go home and see my father and mother, and brothers and sisters. Just let me go for a short time, and I’ll soon be back again.”
  • “I don’t like you to go,”
  • “I am very much afraid that something dreadful will happen. However, if you will go, there is no help for it. Only you must take this box, and be very careful not to open it. If you open it, you will never be able to come back here.”
  •  “Can you tell me please where Urashima’s cottage, that used to stand here, has been moved to?”
  • “Urashima?Why, it was four hundred years ago that he was drowned while out fishing. His parents, his brothers, and their grandchildren are all dead long ago. It is an old, old story. How can you be so foolish as to ask after his cottage? It fell to pieces hundreds of years ago.”
  • “Perhaps,if I open the box which she gave me, I shall be able to find the way.”

Monday, January 13, 2020

                                           1 Year Holiday

The semester break has arrived, the school gave us 1 YEAR vacation time !!!..Just kidding, the holidays given by the school start from December 21 to January 6, so I concluded a year holiday.I spent my vacation at home, because I had to help take care of my little brother who had just finished circumcision.I spent my time at home watching a variety of films, ranging from Indonesian, Korean, Chinese films, to films that are currently trending.I also read books at home if I'm tired of watching, one of them is reading a geography book that I also study in preparation for Geosac in February.If I'm bored at home, I go out to go to the mosque or shop or just  wandering around.

One day, I was bored at home, so in the end I went to visit Grandma's house and stayed there.after being at grandma's house, honestly my activities have not changed once. only, I get the advantage that I can eat delicious every day without limits #Lifehacks.. 

what I learned from my vacation, is a matter of time. as I understand it, time is an element that cannot be controlled by us.  if we have activities time will run fast and vice versa. one more thing, time cannot be rotated, licked, and dipped like Oreo.So what I want to say here is, "Don't waste time, because time is waktu" -Zahid 2020

                  "Don't waste time, because time is waktu" -Zahid 2020

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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dreams and Hopes

         Dreams and hopes? those two things are still things that I can really decide on. Why is that? many things that often hinder my dreams and hopes, often the things I want are not supported by my parents because of prestige issues, as for situations that are not supportive, where for example: I who want to be a historian actually not so talented in history and even more talented in other lessons.

          I am also the type of person who can't say "No" where in the end all my people's suggestions are taken  and confused me. That is the reason why I haven't been able to decide that. Because basically dreams and hopes are things to think  carefully

           Do I have something that i want do? of course there is. I really want to make a fiction novel based on my childhood stories. Besides, I also want to be a traveler where I can travel around the world and see the beautiful creation of God. I also want to try to live in a new place where i can live alone without  parents and train my survive skill

           That is a small thing I want to do. If I lived without any restrictions, maybe I could do everything I want. But I remember, God is just. I think that God gives us limits so that we remember, that we are only creatures that small and helpless before him

            Therefore I think again so as not to focus too much on my hopes and dreams to things that are of the world. So that in the end my dream and hope is to try my best to pursue the things you can achieve before you and let God give the results, because there is no god plan that bad if you have good intentions to live

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