Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dreams and Hopes

         Dreams and hopes? those two things are still things that I can really decide on. Why is that? many things that often hinder my dreams and hopes, often the things I want are not supported by my parents because of prestige issues, as for situations that are not supportive, where for example: I who want to be a historian actually not so talented in history and even more talented in other lessons.

          I am also the type of person who can't say "No" where in the end all my people's suggestions are taken  and confused me. That is the reason why I haven't been able to decide that. Because basically dreams and hopes are things to think  carefully

           Do I have something that i want do? of course there is. I really want to make a fiction novel based on my childhood stories. Besides, I also want to be a traveler where I can travel around the world and see the beautiful creation of God. I also want to try to live in a new place where i can live alone without  parents and train my survive skill

           That is a small thing I want to do. If I lived without any restrictions, maybe I could do everything I want. But I remember, God is just. I think that God gives us limits so that we remember, that we are only creatures that small and helpless before him

            Therefore I think again so as not to focus too much on my hopes and dreams to things that are of the world. So that in the end my dream and hope is to try my best to pursue the things you can achieve before you and let God give the results, because there is no god plan that bad if you have good intentions to live

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  1. Hello, how old are you? 15? 16?
    You're still very very young!! My suggestion is, keep dreaming, and find things that you like! Try as many things as possible and figure out what actually makes you happy!

    Because believe me, if you're living the life that you want to live, that's when you can live your life to the fullest 😊 and when you live happily, your parents will be happy too!

    Nothing is impossible. The limit where you think existed, only exists in your mind! You can be whoever you want to be, as long as you fight for it!!

    1. Thank you, your comment really enlightens my day
