Sunday, March 29, 2020

 14th day self quarantine

 I have been staying at home for 14 days, all of this I have done to prevent the spread of the corona virus.Because I have nothing else to do, I think of writing and maintaining my blog :).Because of this corona virus, the average person in Indonesia is now doing #stayathome where we do all the activities at home.It's funny, because we are now experiencing one of the historical events.

  #stayathome is something new for me. productive at home is difficult for me, because I usually use the house as a place to rest.And it feels weird because we have to stay at home. Even if we just want to go out for shopping we have to think twice.One of the things that feels strange to me is also about worship. I accept the decision to worship at home, because we have to look after ourselves, but this feels strange.

  14 Days at home I do the same routine. Wake up, take a bath, eat, pray, finish assignments, play mobile phone.I really hope that this problem can be resolved before the beginning of Ramadan, because I really want to enjoy the atmosphere of Ramadan without the pressure of this problem. Added to this is because there is an Eid-ul-Fitr event which is usually celebrated with family gatherings.

   I think I want to hibernate until Lebaran, which I hope when I wake up this problem is solved. To be honest the reason I want to hibernate is because I also hope that i can forget about her, it's sad because she already has a boyfriend.why am I telling my heart's content?? :v

   Because basically this is my blog, actually I'm free to do anything.But, I also want to convey an important message. For those of you who are reading, I pray for your health as long as you remain #stayathome and listen to the advice of the medical staff. I also hope that you will pray and appreciate the medical staff working in the field to prevent the spread of this corona virus

That's all from me, always healthy

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Thursday, March 26, 2020

                   Fatiha Motivational Speech

1.'If you're not my sunshine,please be my future'

2.'Maafkanlah ketidakjelasanku ini.tapi,yakinlah bahwa suatu hal yang jelas berasal dari suatu ketidakjelasan'

3.'Awalnya kukira hanya gagasan bodoh,tapi ketika kulihat dunia.. aku kecewa akan banyaknya orang bodoh di dunia ini'

4.'Bagaimana bisa mundur jika di belakang ada tembok? Berpikirlah seperti itu ketika duniamu memaksamu mundur'

5.'Kata ibuku,janganlah menggantungkan asa pada orang lain,gantungkanlah asa mu pada tuhan'


         ᮞᮨᮊᮤᮃᮔ᮪,ᮒᮥᮔ᮪ᮌ᮪ᮌᮥ ᮕᮧᮞ᮪ᮒ᮪ ᮘᮨᮛᮤᮊᮥᮒ᮪ᮑ

Monday, March 9, 2020

     The Indonesian Geographical association was born in 1967, this association was established with the aim of advancing & fighting geography educator in Indonesian because at that time was the discare that geography education in Indonesia Will be deleted.

The process of establishing this organization was carried out, through the first Congress with the election period 1967 - 1981 with Dr. ida Bagus Mantra as the first chairman, after that his chairman continued with re election as chairman in 1981 - 1985 period through second Congress until now. Indonesian Geographical Association has leid 8 Congress, where each Congress has produced new chairman, come have retained previous chairman.

The Indonesian Geographical Association had stop the activities/shut down the organization in 1995 - 1997 and showed the existence in 1997 by holding a large Congress.

The Indonesian Geographical Association was officially declared as a national organization on Thursday May 21 2015 in sleman.

  Source:Miqdad blog
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