Monday, October 7, 2019

                                   The Forbidden City in Beijing.

 Forbidden City — Beijing, China

Quoted from Wikipedia:"The Forbidden City (Chinese: 故宫; pinyin: Gùgōng) is a palace complex in central Beijing, China. It houses the Palace Museum, and was the former Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty (the years 1420 to 1912). The Forbidden City served as the home of emperors and their households and was the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government for almost 500 years.
Constructed from 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 buildings[3] and covers 72 hectares (over 180 acres).[4][5] The palace exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture,[6] and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987,[6] and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world."

  The Forbidden City is a rectangle, with 961 metres (3,153 ft) from north to south and 753 metres (2,470 ft) from east to west.[4][5] It consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,886 bays of rooms.[32][33] A common myth states that there are 9,999 rooms including antechambers,[34] based on oral tradition, and it is not supported by survey evidence.[35] The Forbidden City was designed to be the centre of the ancient, walled city of Beijing. It is enclosed in a larger, walled area called the Imperial City. The Imperial City is, in turn, enclosed by the Inner City; to its south lies the Outer City.
The Forbidden City remains important in the civic scheme of Beijing. The central north–south axis remains the central axis of Beijing. This axis extends to the south through Tiananmen gate to Tiananmen Square, the ceremonial centre of the People's Republic of China, and on to Yongdingmen. To the north, it extends through Jingshan Hill to the Bell and Drum Towers.[36] This axis is not exactly aligned north–south, but is tilted by slightly more than two degrees. Researchers now believe that the axis was designed in the Yuan dynasty to be aligned with Xanadu, the other capital of their empire.[37]

As a fact The Forbidden City was home to 24 Chinese emperors.

Emperor Yongle, third of the Ming Dynasty, began its construction in 1406 and the complex was completed in 1420. 14 Ming emperors held power there until the Manchus took possession in 1644, and moved the capital to Shenyang for a few months.
The Qing Dynasty soon moved the capital back to Beijing and the Forbidden City. 10 Qing emperors ruled from there until the abdication of the last emperor in 1912, at the creation of the Republic of China.
And as an information,If you want to see how large the Forbidden City is, pay a visit to nearby Jingshan Park, where you can enjoy a hilltop view of the whole complex.
Jingshan Park is a few minutes’ walk from the Forbidden City exit — a perfect end for your tour.\

Image result for jingshan park
Jimgshan Park

Monday, September 16, 2019

Marvanata is a cultural festival held by 3 Bandung high school on 7 September 2019.Marvanata is sponsored by Sosro, Ardan, Ministry of Tourism, etc.

We were given the additional task of class 10 to introduce the story of the goddess Sri to visitors or we call it a "target".Marvanata recorded more than 15,000 visitor attendances and Marvanata Instagram visitors exceeded 40,000 accounts.

The photo above is a photo of Chekas.Chekas is our friend who plays Sulanjana's model, he went around during the parade and around Pussenif while wearing the Sulanjana costume.

The purple shirt that I wore in the photo is the uniform of the Marvanata committee.I work in the publication division, one of the reasons for the large number of visitors to Marvanata is because of this publication division.We publish to various schools in Bandung, Bandung students response to this cultural festival is very high so that the  Governor Mr. Ridwan Kamil  gave a appreciation and a big support for this event.

I hope a good program like this can continue to be carried out and emulated by other institutions. Events like this are very useful and very useful as an indicator of the identity of our own nation.

"For culture and language to last forever, we must protect and preserve them"      -Zahid

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono 9

Born at 12 April 1912,Yogyakarta.Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono 9 was Indonesian 2nd Vice President,The Leader of Kasultanan Yogyakarta and The Father of Indonesia Scout.At the age of 4 years, Hamengkubuwono IX lived separately from his family. Hamengkubuwono IX received an education at Europeesche Lagere School in Yogyakarta. In 1925, he continued his education to Hoogere Burgerschool in Semarang, and Hoogere Burgerschool te Bandoeng (HBS Bandung). In the 1930s he continued his tertiary education at Rijkuniversiteit (now Universiteit Leiden), the Netherlands.

one proof of his leadership is seen when during the Japanese period, the Sultan banned the delivery of romusha by holding a local project on the Mataram sewage irrigation channel. The Sultan and Paku Alam IX were the first local rulers to join the Republic of Indonesia. It was the Sultan who invited the President to lead from Yogyakarta after Jakarta was controlled by the Dutch in the Dutch Military Aggression I. Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX was listed as the longest-serving Governor in Indonesia between 1945-1988 and the longest King of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta between 1940-1988.

At the beginning of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the economic situation was very bad. The state treasury is empty, agriculture and industry heavily damaged by the war. The Dutch economic blockade hampered foreign trade. Drought and scarcity of food occur everywhere, including in Yogyakarta. To ensure that the Indonesian government continues, Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX donated his wealth of around 6,000,000 Gulden, to finance the government, the necessities of life for leaders and other government employees.

After the Renville Negotiations, on December 19, 1948 the Dutch carried out the Second Military Aggression. The target of the attack was the capital of Yogyakarta. Furthermore, on December 22, 1948 President Sukarno, Vice President Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Syahrir and other dignitaries were captured by the Dutch and exiled to Bangka Island. Meanwhile, Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX was not arrested because of his special position, it was feared that it would complicate the existence of the Dutch in Yogyakarta. In addition, at that time the Dutch had recognized Yogyakarta as a kingdom and respected local wisdom. However, the Sultan refused the Dutch invitation to work together.

Mr. Scouting Indonesia
Since a young age Hamengkubuwana IX had been active in scouting education organizations. By the 1960s, Hamengkubuwana IX became the Great Guide (Scout Leader).

On March 9, 1961, President Sukarno formed the Scout Movement Establishment Committee. The committee consists of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX, Prof. Prijono (Minister of Education and Culture), Dr.A. Azis Saleh (Minister of Agriculture), and Achmadi (Minister of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Village Community Development).

The reason I idolized Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono 9 was because of his wise and patient attitude that everyone could not do.   he was also a disciplined and trustworthy person because he could hold many positions in his time. He was also a friendly person so the Dutch queen appreciated him.


          Palestine Charity Concert

   Due to an crisis event that happen in Palestine. We,Palestine Volunteer 24/7 (PV24/7) will held a a charity concert at Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium at 15 Mei 2020 with special performance by Bon Jovi,Michael Heart,Sabyan Gambus,etc.

Entry permit:25k
Open gate: 09:00
Close gate: 14:30

Rundown Event
10:00 =Opening ceremony by singing Palestine Anthem and a speech from Palestine Ministry
10:45 =A performance by Palestine kids
11:15 =A special performance by Sabyan Gambus
11:45 =Dhuhur break
13:15 =A special performance by Michael Heart
14:00 =An Angklung performance by Pasundan Kids
14:30 =An Jaipong performance by Pasundan Kids
15:00 =Ashar break
15:45 =A Special performance by Bon Jovi
16:30 =Photo session
17:10 =A performance by Palestine Art Community
18:00 =Maghrib break
18:45 =Closing ceremony by singing Indonesia Anthem and a speech by the Leader of PV24/7 
19:30 =Exit gate open

Note:All the benefits from this event will be send straight forward to Palestine through Palestine Ministry

    for those who want to donate can transfer via 
    7332053  Mandiri  a.n  Zahid
     4201003 Bni  a.n  Zahid

1.What kind of event it is?
2.Where is this venue located?
3.What is Charity Concert?
4.Who are the special guest that invited?

Monday, August 26, 2019


Suryadilaga W.A (Dega)
Zahid Fatiha

-Zahid:"hello Dega,good morning"
-Dega:"good morning too Zahid"
-Zahid:"by the way,i just heard that you won a basketball competition,Congratulations Dega"
-Dega:"Thank you Zahid,im very grateful.but dont mention it,without my teammates im nothing"
-Zahid:"yeah,of course.but,to be honest you really good at it"
-Dega:"thank you,Zahid"

1.What is the main topics of the dialogue?
2.Where is the backgroud of dialogue located?
3.What competition did Dega just won?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


                                                                Villa Park

Image result for Villa Park

Hello,Thank you for taking your time to visit this page.This time im gonna introduce you to a place that i really want to visit.This place called Villa Park,located at Birmingham,English this stadium is a home stadium for Aston Viila FC.more detailed location of the stadium is located at Trinity Road Birmingham B6 6HE.

Quoted from wikipedia,"Villa Park has 42,682 seats split between four stands. These four stands are the Holte End to the south, the Trinity Road Stand to the west, the Doug Ellis Stand opposite the Trinity Road Stand, and the North Stand behind the northern goal. All of the stands have two tiers except the Trinity Road Stand, which has three.

Built in 2000, the main Trinity Road Stand is the most recently completed at Villa Park and houses the dressing rooms, club offices and director's boxes. The stand is composed of three tiers with a row of executive boxes between the second and third tiers. Although much larger than the other stands, the stand has roughly the same roof level as the other three sides. The players' tunnel and the technical area where the managers and substitutes sit during the match are in the middle of the stand at pitch level. The press and the directors' VIP area are situated in the centre of the middle tier. The upper tiers of the stand extend over Trinity Road, the street that cuts behind the ground. Trinity Road passes through a tunnel formed by the Trinity Road Stand."

not only serves as a football stadium, some famous musicians have held concerts here such as: Bruce Springsteen
and Bon Jovi.

The reason why i really want to visiting this stadium.Not just because that this stadiun is historical building,
but this stadiun was also the home ground of my favorite team,Aston Villa.i really wish that one day i will be able to go
to Villa Park supporting Aston Villa and get a photo with Aston Villa player

Source of pic and descriptions:  and

1.What is Villa Park?
2.Where is Villa Park located?
3.How much capacity can Villa Park can load?
4.How many stand are there in Villa Park?
5.Based on your opinion,what kind of text it is?   (dont forget reason)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019



        My name is Zahid Fatiha Almuzammil Pramudita,people ussualy call me with Zahid,Amil,or Uzjid.I was born in one of the hospital in Bandung at 21 May 2004.Now im study at 3 High School Bandung at 10 grade.

      I'm having a big interest in Social Science specially in History Lesson.Not just History i'm also like English Lesson because i have a dream to continue my study at Internasional Publicity at UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA.And if i can i want to get a scholarship to an university in Europe....aaaaammiiiin...

1.What's my nickname?
2.Where was i born?
3.What's are my big interest?
4.What grade am i now?
5.Why am i choosing social class?